No company without human resources
We always have room for people who can and want to do something.
Human resource
Katharina Lukas
learn more
No business without customers
Are you looking for information about our products? Do you need contact information? Then you’re in the right place.
Become a meat expert!
Meat cuts, preparation methods, farming livestock, from rearing animals to slaughtering them to good, matured meat – you’ll learn all of this in our meat expert course.
Styrian Duroc
Duroc is a relatively old breed of pig which is once again being bred by Steirerfleisch suppliers.
We are your partner!
You can’t get a steak without the work of our farmers! You can hardly put a high enough value on their daily commitment. This is why we offer our support.
Market prices
SW 4
Fattening pigs
1,81 €
per kilo
1,03 €
per kilo
2,95 €
per kilo
Partner for the future
We can support you in a number of ways. Benefit from these advantages.
It’s better together!
You can’t get a steak without the work of our farmers! You can hardly put a high enough value on their daily commitment. This is why we offer our support.